handmade metal hairbands for sleek designs -Brand jcgy Crystal White Butterfly Barrette Bridal Barrette Wedding Hairclip AD86014-9050-3

Set of 3 all 3 curly attenna all 3 straight atenna 2 curly attenna 1 straight attenna

Crystal white butterfly barrette with trailing streamers,  a great bridal hair ornament.  Designed in 2 artistic styles, one with straight antenna, #9050s, 2nd style with curly antenna, #9050c.

French clip clasp measures 1.75" at the opening, NOT for thick hair.  If you have thick hair and want to wear this barrette, please style a high partial ponytail and place not too much hair in the French clasp.

Butterfly ornament, from antennas to tip of streamers,  measures 3" wide x 5" in length to the tip of the streamers.

Gorgeous barrette for brides, wedding party.   Easy to buy, you can buy 1, or sets at deeply discounted set prices.

This listing offers set of 3.

For single unit and set of 2

For set of 6,   here.

For dozen pack, click here.